app教程网 综合百科 Request.ServerVariables 参数大全

Request.ServerVariables 参数大全

Request. The server variable ("Url") returns the server address.

Request. Server variable ('Path_Info') path information provided by the client.

request . server variables(' appl _ physical _ path ')对应于应用程序元数据库路径的物理路径。

请求。server variables(' path _ translated ')是请求的执行脚本的名称。通过从虚拟到物理的映射获得的servervariables ('script _ name ')。

Request. The server variable ('Query_String') queries the string content.

Request. The string content requested by ServerVariables('Http_Referer').




request . server variables(' local _ addr ')返回接受请求的服务器的地址。

Request. The server variable ('Http_Host') returns the server address.

Request. Server variable ('server name') The host name, DNS address or Internet Protocol address of the server.

Request. Server variables ('Request_Method') make requests by methods such as GET, HEAD, POST and so on.

如果接收请求的服务器端口是安全端口,则request . server variables(' server _ port _ secure ')为1,否则为0。

request . server variables(' server _ protocol ')服务器使用的协议的名称和版本。

request . server variables(' server _ software ')响应请求并运行网关的服务器软件的名称和版本。

Request. Server variable ('All_Http') All Hypertext Transfer Protocol headers sent by clients, prefixed with HTTP_.

请求。servervariables ('all _ raw ')客户端发送的所有HTTP头的结果与客户端发送的结果相同,只是没有前缀HTTP_。

request . server variables(' appl _ MD _ path ')应用程序的元数据库路径。

Request. The server variable ('content length') is the length of the content sent by the client.

请求。如果请求通过安全通道(SSL),则ServerVariables('Https ')返回ON,如果请求来自不安全的通道,则返回OFF。

Request. Credential number of IIS instance of server variable ('instance _ id')


Request. Server variable ('Http_Accept_Encoding') returns contents such as gzip, deflate.

Request. Server variable ('Http_Accept_Language') returns contents such as en-us.

Request. Server variable ('Http_Connection') returns content: keep alive.


请求服务器变量(' Http _ User _ Agent ')返回內容:Mozilla/4.0(兼容;MSIE6.0WindowsNT5.1SV1)

请求。servervariables ('https _ keysize ')安全套接字层连接关键字的位数,如128。

请求。server variables(' https _ secret keysize ')服务器验证私有关键字的位数是否为1024。

Request. Issuer field of servervariables ('https _ server _ issuer') server certificate.

Request. Server variable ('Https_Server_Subject') Subject field of server certificate.


request . server variables(' auth _ type ')是服务器在用户访问受保护的脚本时用来检查用户的身份验证方法。

Request. Username for ServerVariables('Auth_User').

Request. ServerVariables('Cert_Cookie') unique customer certificate identification number.

请求。servervariables ('cert _ flag ')客户端证书标志。如果有客户端证书,则bit0为0。如果客户端证书验证无效,则位1被设置为1。

request . server variables(' cert _ issuer ')用户证书中的publisher字段。

请求。servervariables ('cert _ keysize ')安全套接字层连接关键字的位数,如128。

请求。server variables(' cert _ secret key size ')服务器验证私有关键字的位数是否为1024。

Request. Server variable ('certificate serial number') Serial number field of customer certificate.

Request. Server variable ('Certificate Server Issuer') Issuer field of server certificate

Request. Server variable ('certificate server subject') The subject field of the server certificate

Request. Server variable ('certificate subject') Subject field of client certificate

Request. The server variable ('Content_Type') is the formal content sent by the client or the data type of HTTPPUT.
